BAZTECH is a bibliographic and abstract database on the content of Polish technical journals.

It registers articles from Polish journals in the field of technical sciences, and selected journals in the field of exact sciences and environmental protection.

BazTech is one of the resources of the Wirtualna Biblioteka Nauki [Virtual Library of Science]. The content of this database is part of the resources of the Biblioteka Nauki (Library of Science):

BazTech is expanding towards a citation database and a full-text database. Since 2006, attachment bibliographies have been added to the descriptions of articles. As a result of concluding specific agreements with publishers of journals, the records are successively supplemented with full texts of articles. Thanks to these activities, the database is a part of the Open Access movement and is one of the components of the Open Science movement in Poland.

The database registers articles from over 550 Polish magazines from 1998 to present.

The purpose of creating the database is:

  • providing a relatively complete source of information on scientific publications in Polish journals in the field of broadly understood issues of technical sciences,
  • promotion of the achievements of the Polish scientific and technical thought,
  • providing full texts of publications registered in the database – on the basis of agreements with publishers,
  • supporting the Open Access movement,
  • supporting interlibrary loan.

BazTech resources are indexed by Google Scholar, Google and

Date range of the collection: 1998-