C.E.E.O.L. (Central and Eastern European Online Library) is an archival database of electronic journals, including 2,154 titles in the field of social sciences and humanities in 30 languages ​​from 32 countries and electronic documents on issues related to Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. All articles are available in full text in PDF format. The database also contains biographical information about the authors.

Database fields:

  • philology, linguistics, literary studies
  • politics, public administration
  • history, Judaica
  • culture and society
  • sociology, social sciences, gender theory
  • economics and law
  • philosophy, theology, religion
  • anthropology, folklore
  • art, film and theater studies
  • others

Language of publication: English, Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian, German, Polish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Czech and Slovak, Lithuanian, Hungarian, French and others.

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