The AGRO bibliographic database is maintained by a team of employees of the Main Library of the University of Life Sciences in Poznań. It includes bibliographic descriptions of articles from over 1100 Polish journals published in Polish and English. Keywords are given in both languages. The range of topics are natural and agricultural science including related to them scopes such as: veterinary medicine, food economy, gastronomy, environment, toxicology, bromatologia, commodities, agro-tourism, physical culture. It contains over 830 000 bibliographic descriptions and over 100 000 full-text articles. The AGRO database is updated four times a year. Date range of the collection: 1992-present (from 1820 for some titles, e.g. the periodical “Sylwan”).

The content of this database is part of the resources of the Biblioteka Nauki (Library of Science):

List of titles indexed in the database