Tez-MeSH is an information and search database of medical terminology.
Tez-MeSH is the Polish version of the American Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), maintained at the National Library of Medicine (NLM). Medical Subject Headings is the information and search language of the MEDLARS/Medline system, which is the best-known system used to describe medical publications. The Tez-MeSH database contains English and Polish terminology in the field of medicine and related sciences, as well as health care organization.
The current version of the Tez-MeSH database was developed on the basis of MeSH 2007. The translations of new source descriptors into Polish are performed by employees with medical and biomedical education, using the latest dictionaries, lexicons, textbooks, monographs and medical publications. The terminology contained in the Tez-MeSH database, along with the indexing rules adopted in the NLM, is used to prepare the content description of documents entered into Polska Bibliografia Lekarska [Polish Medical Bibliography] since 1979.